
North Yorkshire Music & Arts Events Diary

including Craven, Cleveland, Hambleton, Richmond, Ryedale, Teesside & York Districts

Welcome to the newly designed North Yorkshire Music & Arts Events Diary, we hope you will find it easy to use!

We now have more than 110 different organisations using the scheme and we hope it will continue to grow and to help promote music events in the region, as well as avoiding clashes of events.

Creating and activating your account
First of all, once you have registered as a user (opened an account) and received a confirmation email, please email us to tell us that you have done that.
We will then activate your account - it will not work until this is done!
We will let you know when your account is active, then you can set your password here:
Then send us a logo (see 4 below) and let us know exactly how you want your organisation to appear on the site.

When your account has been created and activated
Now that you have joined the scheme, please add some information about your organisation.
When you are logged in, you will find your organisation(s) in the "ORGANISATION LISTING" section and, if you could add some events to the diary as soon as possible, we can make sure it is working properly and iron out any problems quickly.
Please let us know if you experience any difficulties or if you have any suggestions as to how the diary could be made more effective or more "user-friendly". Email us at: admin@stcticketing.org

Using the Events Diary
The Events Diary is designed to serve several purposes at once – and your information will appear in 4 different formats:

  1. A short version of each event, for quick and easy viewing on the web page – but with easy access to full details. (The first few lines of your full information)
  2. The "Full Details" version – which is also easy to access and which can also be downloaded as a pdf file.
    This can include as much information as you wish. (Up to 1000 characters)
    We will send this "Full Details" version, every month, to a wide range of nearly 500 organisations and contacts on your behalf.
  3. A three-line entry – which will appear on the "Brief" pdf version. This will also be sent out to all our many contacts, for display on notice boards etc.
    We also ask that you please download and print this page in your own concert programmes.
  4. You can also enter as much information about your organisation as you wish – and we ask you to send us a logo (square, in colour if possible) which we will attach to your events and your information on the web page, so that your events and your organisation are instantly recognisable. We've made the system as user friendly as we can. It just takes a little thought and care to enter all your details correctly so that the display is as clear as possible – that way we can all get the maximum benefit from the scheme.

Let's get started

  • Please have all your information ready and drafted before you start, so that you know what goes where and to make sure you have the right number of characters.
  • You need to have an event "title" (e.g. Chamber Concert, Summer Concert, Organ Recital, Christmas Spectacular, Choral Concert etc.). If you don't have a title, make one up – but please keep it short! There is no need to include your organisation's name in the title because this will appear anyway! The title should not exceed 60 characters. (Please do not use upper-case letters throughout.)
  • The Brief Description is limited to 100 characters – just include "headline" information, mentioning only what you think will most attract your audience! This will appear in the "Full Details" version and also as the 2nd line of the "Brief" pdf printout version.
  • Ticket Details, telephone, email and/or website details should also be entered. You can enter all your ticket types and prices but, because space is limited in the "Brief" version, only the range of prices (Tickets £5-£15) will appear in this version. You can put as much information as you like in the "Full Description" section. If you select "email" for printout use, this does not have to be the same email address that you use for your username
  • Full Description – this is almost unlimited (1000 characters) so you can enter as much information as you like, including ticket outlets etc.

Your web site address will appear on our website and will link directly to yours. Please add a link to www.st-cecilia.org.uk on your site (if you haven't already done so). It would also help if you added an extra link (to our same address) titled "North Yorkshire Music & Arts Events Diary".

We would also appreciate it very much if you would add a line on your concert publicity saying:

"For information about music and arts events in the area, please visit the North Yorkshire Music & Arts Events Diary at: www.st-cecilia.org.uk"

Detailed Instructions

First of all, you need to register as a user. Go to www.stcticketing.org and click "ORGANISATION LOGIN / SIGNUP", then "CREATE AN ACCOUNT".
Enter your email address and your name (i.e. the name and address of the main person who will be responsible for entering events in the diary). You will then automatically receive an acknowledgement containing instructions on how to set your password, which you can change in the future whenever you want. Please remember it. (Write it down!)

Then send us an email to admin@stcticketing.org to confirm that you have registered and that you wish to use the system – and tell us exactly how you want your organisation to appear on the site. We will then activate your entry facility and load your organisation into the system. Please also send us your logo, (square, in colour if possible) which we will attach to your events and to your information on the web page.

Please add events as far in advance as possible – as soon as you are sure that they are going to happen. This helps everyone to avoid clashes when planning events. You don't need to include all the details at first – you can edit the rest of the information in later.

We suggest that you first have a look at some of the items already in the diary, just to get an idea of how things will look.

The full instructions for adding an event are as follows:

It is always a good idea to refresh the page before entering your event.

  1. Log in with your email address and password. Then click on "EVENTS DIARY"
  2. First of all, check that the venue for your event is listed in the "VENUES" section (check all pages and use the Search box!).
    If it isn't, enter the venue by clicking the "ADD NEW" button. Space is limited.
    The town should be entered separately, so please don't include the town in the name of the venue if you can avoid it. If the name of the venue is very long, such as "Church of St Michael and All Angels", please abbreviate it to simply "Parish Church"!) Remember to click "Save Details" when you have finished. Please also add the post code in the box provided. This helps people to find the venue by satnav etc.
  3. Now go to "EVENTS DIARY", click "ADD NEW" and follow the menu to add all the details of your event.
    Status: select "SHOW".
    Event Title: please keep is short and snappy!
    Organisation: select yours.
    Venue: select from the drop-down list.
    Date: This is a combined date and time picker - the time is at the bottom of the pop-up calendar.
    Brief Description: limit of 100 characters!
    Full Description: limit of 1,000 characters.
    Adding Tickets: When you have added your event, click the 'Tickets' button at the end of the event row. Add each ticket price separately as follows:- Category = Adult, Child, Concession etc., Description = OAP, Under 18, FT Education etc., Price: enter just the figure, not the £ sign. If admission is free (e.g. for children), just leave the ‘0'. Again, please remember to click "Save Details" when you have finished.
  4. After adding your event (and saving it!), look at the diary to see that it appears correctly in the various versions. Don't forget to check how it appears in the Brief and Full pdf downloads! You can correct any errors by selecting the event and clicking on "Edit". Don't forget to "Save Details" to save the changes!
  5. Cancellations – you cannot delete an event! If, for any reason it has to be cancelled, select it for editing and then change the "Event Status" to "Cancelled". (Then remember to "Save Details".) It will then appear in the diary as "cancelled" – so anyone who has already bought tickets or put it in their own diaries will know that it is cancelled. If anything doesn't seem to be working, the most likely reason is that you have put too many characters in one of the limited boxes – or you have forgotten to save something. Now repeat the process for any additional events. It probably seems a bit complicated at first but it is all pretty logical and quite easy once you have got the hang of it! Later, you should get an email, which confirms you that you have added an event!

Please read this next section – it is important!

Printable "pdf" Versions

These are what really make this scheme exceptionally valuable for all its users.

There are two pdf versions – a "Full Version" and a "Brief Version". On or around the 15th of every month, on your behalf, we will email pdf files of the Full Version and of the "next month" of the Brief Version to a wide range of contacts, including press, media, other arts organisations, listings web sites, schools, libraries, TICs etc. and a whole host of individual contacts.

You can help by forwarding it to your own mailing lists and/or by giving us email addresses of anyone to whom you would like us to send it.

Most of all (and this is one of the features that make this scheme so beneficial to everyone):

Please download the "next page" of the "Brief Version" and print it in your concert programmes.

To do this:

  • Go to "EVENTS DIARY" and click the "Show Events From" box
  • Select a start date on the calendar (the day after your own concert)
  • Select how many pages you want (just in case you want to print more than one page!)
  • Then just simply save it to your computer then you can print it out

You don't have to log in to do this.

There are about 9 or 10 events on each page so, if we all do this, it means that your next event will be advertised in at least 9 other concert programmes. It will also help everyone if you print out the "Brief" Version" and post it on any notice boards you have available.

If you don't have room in your programmes, why not just reduce it to A5 size and print out copies to insert in the programmes. It really doesn't cost very much to do this!

Also, if you are now producing digital or online programmes for people to download to phones, ipads, tablets etc., it is very easy to add the file to these – it all helps!

Just a couple of other things:

  • Festivals – several festivals use the Events Diary and we're very pleased to have them on board. However, can we ask Festivals to load only their major public concerts and events into the diary? (Otherwise, they can tend to dominate several pages of the diary, which is a little unfair to other organisation with events during the same period.)

  • Runs of Events (e.g. Operatic and Theatre companies who put on several successive nights/days of performances in the same venue) – We don't have a system to show start and finish dates so please only enter the first date and then include details of the other dates in the "Brief description".

Have Fun! – And if you have any comments or suggestions – or if you know anyone else who might benefit from this scheme, please contact us: mail@st-cecilia.org.uk